New rehearsal room
First stuff in our new rehearsal room. Rehearsals will start shortly. Now we have to prepare a setlist … news will follow soon!!

Fatman’s Rock Show
Thanks Campbell Stewart for letting us be a part of the The Fatman’s Rock Show tonight !!!

Human Fortress Shoes
André´s new shoes – in Human Fortress design – a birthday gift from his wife Tanja Hort. G r e a t !!

Twisted Mind Radio
Thanks Insane Realm Radio for letting us be a part of the Twisted Mind Radio Show at Tuesday – Tune In!!

„Rock-Garage“ review
Noch einmal 9/10 für Defenders Re-Release – sehr geil! http://migration.rock-garage.com/human-fortress-defenders-…/

„Russian Headbangers“ review
8/10 from russian headbangers – Thank you http://headbanger.ru/reviews/album-3807